Sunday, May 16, 2010

Charlie's London Marathon Experience

After 10 years of watching and being inspired by the London Marathon on Sunday 25th April 2010 at 9.45am I said aloud to myself, "this is it"....I was about to become a real Maiden Newton Runner! 4 hours 33 minutes and 54 seconds later I had achieved one of my life goals!

It was amazing as I didn't even think of who needed a haircut, or going to the toilet or talking to anyone...Yeap...I think I was being Focused!!!

All the great advice, and there was lots of it, helped me every step of the way. My training was fun and challenging and sometimes so muddy that Andy for even carrying me some of the way (don't like dirty shoes). Drink this. eat that, add salt, 1000's of banana's and runniing in those Maiden Newton Hills, massages, cold baths, new shoes, more bananas/ all added to being prepared (not sure about cold bath, but Mike insisted even though I've not read it or heard that from anyone else).

The Race itself was packed with an unbelievable amount of runners and never seemed to ease up! So imagine my amazement when I heard my named being called only to see family and friends cheering me on at the 6th, 12th, 19th & 25th mile point!!! How could they pick me out from all those runners...? They deserve a medal and believe me I ran with lots of pride because of their support.

The finish came all too quickly and when I wandered into the meet and greet area I was overwhelmed by my family (Olivia's hug was almost a wrestling submission hold).

I did say that I wanted to do the London Marathon "Only once"! Then after a few days I started to think, "Hmmm maybe one day"! Now regardless of what I do next I must admit that it was truly worthwhile and YES I would do it all again!!!


Lin said...

Mike is absolutely right about those cold baths Charlie - if it's good enough for Paula.........
And another well known fact....the best way to recover from a marathon is to start planning the next one!!

Lesley said...

Well done Charlie, glad you enjoyed it. I've never had a cold bath either. Think that's just for "elite" athletes!!!