Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Round the Lakes 10k - Boxing Day

We decided to break with tradition this year and drive to Poole Park for the Round the Lakes 10k instead of our usual pilgrimage to the Stoke Stampede. Actually we were lured by the course description of “fast and flat” and omitted to notice the mention of laps.

The first challenge was a Round the Park search for toilets which weren’t locked – there weren’t any so we did the first km of the race in reverse to Race HQ at the cricket pavilion, then a km back to the car to change and then another km back to the start. At least we were well warmed up, I’m just glad that we arrived with plenty of time to spare.

This 10k is, as billed, completely flat. However the course is 4 laps of a large salt water lake on a narrow and in some places “slippy” path, with a detour across grass, through trees and puddles, passing by the temporary “reindeer” stables. By the end of the first lap I was almost wishing I’d worn off road shoes.

With over 350 finishers it was inevitable that there would be lapping – I overtook the back marker at the end of my second lap. It was OK to begin with, passing the odd straggler, but by lap 4 I had caught all the recreational joggers running three abreast and chatting with no thought for the people behind who were actually trying to race. It became a game of Russian roulette – do you take the easy way round, between them and the lake and risk ending up in the lake, or jump up onto the grass?

Martin and I were both hoping for a good time and under the circumstances we were both quite pleased. Martin finished in an excellent 28th place in a time of 38.39. I spent the whole race chasing down Pete Jakeman but he got away from me on the last lap and I finished in 41.45 - a post broken hip PB, although only having done about 3 road 10ks since I broke my hip that isn’t too much of an achievement. I subsequently found out that I was first V45 – prize in the post.

On the whole we have decided that we will be returning to Stoke St Gregory next year!!!

And on that note, congratulations to Lesley who completed the Stoke Stampede in yet another personal best time and also to Richard who despite feeling less than well managed to finish the course without needing resuscitation or a stretcher and slightly ahead of Lesley.

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